ACCID Nº 15/2024

Dec 27, 2024News Updates

News updates
  • Publication (18/12/2024) of the Technical Standard for verification of sustainability information, the glossary of terms and the verifier relationship standard. [+Info]
  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) November’s update is now available. [+Info]
This report summarises the public technical discussions and decisions taken by EFRAG over the past month, open consultations, upcoming events and vacancies.
  • EFRAG publishes the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for unlisted SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). [+Info]
  • EFRAG’s endorsement recommendation on annual improvements to IFRS accounting standards. [+Info]
The amendments provide limited changes that clarify the wording of the amended IFRS Accounting Standards or correct relatively minor unintended consequences, oversights or conflicts between the requirements of IFRS Accounting Standards and are effective for annual periods beginning on or after the 1st of January 2026, with earlier application permitted.
  • The update summarising December’s 2024 meeting of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is now available. [+Info]
  • The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) updates the IFRS Accounting Standards for electricity contracts dependent on nature. [+Info]
In particular, it has published specific amendments to help companies report better the financial effects of such contracts, which are often structured as power purchase agreements (PPAs).
CNMV Communications
  • The CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) publishes a study on fragmentation, price formation and liquidity of Spanish shares in the European context. [+Info]
  • The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) presents its report for the revitalisation of the Spanish capital market. [+Info]
Bank of Spain press release
  • Projections and quarterly report on the Spanish economy for December 2024. [+Info]
Tax Agency consultation of interest
  • Subdirectorate General for Personal Income Taxes
The taxpayer is the usufructuary of 100% of an urban plot of land which is not his main residence, does not generate capital income and is not used for economic activity. He has a house built and the rest is a paved area in the form of a street that serves as a passageway to the property itself and to other adjoining properties where there are flower pots, awnings and a vine planted on each side. The question arises as to whether, according to 85th article of the Personal Income Tax Law, real estate income is imputed for the described land outside the property.
Binding consultation of the Directorate General of Taxes no. V1769-24. [+Info]
Barcelona, 27th of December 2024.

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