Professional tax advice

Our tax planning at Morera Asesores & Auditores allows us to assess and measure the incidence of tax legislation on different situations and cases. It should also allow you to choose the option through which to maximise the results of your company’s activity and minimise your tax bill insofar as possible within the framework of current legislation.

Our services:

    • Tax advice for companies and private customers.
    • Assistance and advice during tax inspection processes.
    • Filing of appeals over tax matters or for judicial review before the High Court of Catalonia, the National Appellate Court, etc.
    • Preparation and filing of all manner of tax returns.
      –  Assets abroad statement (Form 720).
      –  Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and Property Tax (IP) returns, etc.
    • Advice on and filing of Financial Statements.
    • Taxation of Cryptocurrencies.

Tax planning

Planning and optimisation of company and asset structures for tax purposes.

In order to properly implement these strategies, they must be defined prior to executing actions subject to taxation. This will allow you to achieve your goal: minimising your tax bill. Performing a detailed tax study allows you to maximise your objectives.

Our professionals provide advice so you can plan in accordance with your personal and business interests and goals.

Impuesto de sociedades

Other services

Accounting and Administrative Management

Legal Advice

Audit of Accounts

International  Consulting