ACCID Nº 02/2025

Jan 29, 2025News Updates

News updates


The fourteenth final provision of Organic Law 1/2025, of 2nd of January, on measures for the efficiency of the Public Justice Service (BOE of 03/01/2025), modifies with effect from 3rd of April 2025 various articles of Law 35/2006, of 28th of November, on Personal Income Tax. In summary,

    • The exemption for compensation as a result of civil liability for personal injury provided for in the first paragraph of letter d) of Article 7 of the Personal Income Tax Act is amended to include other compensation.
    • Article 7(e) of Article 7 of the Personal Income Tax Act, relating to the exemption for compensation for dismissal or termination of employment, is amended for the purpose of clarification only.
    • Finally, new wording is given to letter k) of Article 7 of the Tax Law in order to eliminate any doubt about the application of this exemption to maintenance annuities received from parents by virtue of a regulatory agreement.


  • Ministerial Order of modification of census declarations. [+Info]

Order HAC/1526/2024 has been published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) of 9th of January. The purpose of this Order is to introduce modifications to form 030 of Census declaration for registration, change of address and/or variation of personal data and to form 036 of Census declaration for registration, modification and deregistration in the Census of business people, professionals and withholders, as well as to suppress form 037 of simplified Census declaration for registration, modification and deregistration in the Census of business people, professionals and withholders.

  • Main tax innovations of Law 7/2024. [Info]The BOE of 21st of December 2024 published Law 7/2024 establishing a Supplementary Tax to guarantee an overall minimum level of taxation for multinational groups and large domestic groups, a Tax on the interest and commission margin of certain financial institutions and a Tax on liquids for electronic cigarettes and other tobacco-related products, and amending other tax regulations.
  • Mutualists: refund applications

          The refund application form for mutual insurance companies introduced before 22nd of December 2024 is repealed. [+Info]


  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Council) approval status report update. [+Info]

The Accounting Regulatory Committee (ARC) voted by written procedure in favour of the Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments (Amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7). As a result, EFRAG has updated EFRAG’s endorsement status report.

  • International Sustainability Standards Board.

The agenda and documents for January 2025 International Sustainability Standards Board meeting are now available. [+Info]

  • FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued on 6th of January an Accounting Standards Update that clarifies for entities that do not have a year-end calendar year the interim effective date of Accounting Standards Update No. 2024-03, Income Statement: Reporting Comprehensive Income: Disclosure of Disaggregation of Expenses (Subtopic 220-40): Income statement expense disaggregation. [+Info]

Consultation of interest from the Tax Agency

  • Subdirectorate General for Personal Income Taxes

The taxpayer indicates that he is a tax resident in Spain and that he works for a foreign company under a commercial contract. He adds that the country where he provides his services has a tax similar to Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and is not a tax haven. He would like to know whether the exemption regulated in article 7 p) (income from work received for work effectively carried out abroad will be exempt, with certain following requirements) of the Law on Personal Income Tax is applicable to him.

Binding consultation of the Directorate General of Taxes no. V1794-24. [+Info]


Barcelona, 31st of January 2025.

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