ACCID Nº 05/2024.

Jul 12, 2024News Updates

Accounting news


  • AEDAF warns about the unconstitutionality of the changes that the Spanish Government intends to apply in the Corporate Tax. [+Info]
  • BOE of 28 June: Order HAC/646/2024 of 25 June amending, among others, Order HAC/66/2002 of 15 January, approving form 038, for the list of operations carried out by entities registered in public registers. [+Info]
  • Main novelties introduced by Royal Decree-Law 4/2024 of 26 June extending certain measures to deal with the economic and social consequences of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East and adopting fiscal, energy and social measures. [+Info]


  • The IASB has just published its review of impairment requirements related to financial instruments. [+Info]
  • Published the IASB’s June update highlighting the preliminary decisions of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). [+Info]
  • IFC (International Finance Corporation) and the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Foundation announce a partnership to improve sustainability reporting in emerging markets. [+Info]

The Courts’ opinion

  • TEAC. Corporate taxes. Deduction for R&D&I. It would be appropriate to include in the base of the deduction for R&D&I, the expenses accrued in previous years that were not included in the corresponding self-assessments.

Criteria 1 of 1 of Resolution: 00/03132/2022/00/00. [+Info]

Useful information from the Tax Agency

  • Sub-Directorate General for Excise Duties

The natural person is the owner of a property which is going to undergo a complete renovation in order to be used for the subsequent lease of the property, which will be managed by real estate agents, subject to taxation and not exempted. In addition, the applicant is also going to acquire various new furnishings for the same purpose. He would like to know from when he would be able to deduct the value added tax paid on the aforementioned refurbishment and whether he can deduct them in full. It is also asked how he will have to regularise the value added tax paid and deducted during the refurbishment if he rents the property directly to private individuals.

Binding consultation of the Directorate General of Taxes nº. V1627-23. [+Info]

Barcelona, 12 July 2024.

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