IECnet AGM in London

Oct 18, 2023News Updates

The #IECnet AGM in London from October 11 to 15, 2023, brought together over 70 delegates and 30 accompanying persons from 42 member firms representing 35 countries, spanning from Australia to the USA, making it a truly international gathering.
The event featured a well-balanced program that combined business and networking. The General Assembly played a pivotal role in shaping the future of our network, while the introduction of new members from Australia (MNSA Pty Ltd), Indonesia (KNF), Brazil (Asscont Assessoria Contábil e Auditoria), and Canada (WBM) underscored the global reach and inclusivity of our network.
The educational component of the AGM was equally compelling. Special thanks go to Florian Ploghaus from Finlex GmbH for delivering an insightful presentation on Cyber Security.
Of significant importance was the election of the new Board Members Mark Schiliro and Andrea Manenti. Many thanks to Frederic Borràs Pàmies and CA. MANU [MANOHARAN] Palerichal who have left the Board. For his services as Chairman of the Committee on Auditing, Frederic Borràs was appointed Honorary Member.



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